Tag Archives: Solid Faces

Solid Faces – A Tribute To Classic Rock

Release date: May 13, 2013
Credits: Hammond organ & synthesizer, background vocals, arrangements, producing, recording, mixing and mastering.


Artist: Solid Faces
Album title: A Tribute to Classic Rock
Label: Solid Faces Music
Catalog: SFM1301
Genre: Hard Rock
Type: CD Album
Total playing time: 01:00:50


  1. Perfect Strangers
  2. Kill The King
  3. Man On The Silver Mountain
  4. Mistreated
  5. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves
  6. Fool For Your Loving
  7. Still I’m Sad
  8. Under The Gun
  9. Burn
  10. Don’t Break My Heart Again
  11. Tarot Woman


Album lineup:

  • Johan Mattjus – vocals
  • Henric Blomqvist – guitars
  • Sven Wannäs – Hammond organ & synthesizer
  • Anders Thors – bass
  • Roger Snellman – drums

Produced, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Sven Wannäs

Cover art by Fredi & Bau at Darkartphotography.com

Band link: www.solid-faces.com

Buy online: CD-Dreams.fi

Album notes:

Solid Faces – A Tribute To Classic Rock. 

~The eleven songs on the album were recorded between September, 2010 and March, 2013. A project that was forced without any hurry and done just for fun and joy on spare times.

Solid Faces is a hard rock band from Jakobstad/Pedersöre in Finland.
Formed 2006 and current line-up since 2010.

Plays and performs music that according to them is by the biggest classic hard rock bands of all time – Deep Purple, Rainbow and Whitesnake.

All SF members have grown up on and listened to classic hard rock music and really love to play all the great songs they have recorded.

Apart from vocals, the band also features Hammond organ, guitar, bass and drums.

Solid Faces does not in any way try to fully mimic the original songs because nobody can, but instead the members try to put their own stamp on the songs with their own experience, soul and inspiration.

The end result is Solid Faces – A tribute to classic rock.

Solid Faces is also a member of Perfect Strangers of Finland.
Perfect Strangers of Finland (PSOF ry) is the official Finnish Deep Purple appreciation society, approved by Deep Purple and their Management Thames Talent Ltd.

Solid Faces – A Tribute to Classic Rock album released, May 13, 2013


Solid Faces releases 2013-05-13 their first full length CD album entitled  A Tribute to Classic Rock containing 11 tracks of Classic Hard Rock songs (Deep Purple, Rainbow and Whitesnake).

Album available from CD-Dreams web shop: http://www.cd-dreams.fi/fi/titles/fb3cfafb8802884cd0a3e1706f4e533449d7c988

Press release:
Solid Faces releases 2013-05-13 their first CD album entitled “A Tribute to Classic Rock” that contains 11 tracks of Classic Hard Rock songs (Deep Purple, Rainbow and Whitesnake).

Solid Faces is a hard rock band from Jakobstad and Pedersöre in Finland. Band was founded 2006. From 2008 performs as a Deep Purple, Rainbow and Whitesnake tribute band. Current line-up is from year 2010. The band uses SF as their logo. Apart from vocals, the band also features Hammond organ, guitar, bass and drums.

All members in Solid Faces have grown up listening to classic hard rock and really love the great songs been made. In no way Solid Faces try to sound exactly as those great classic bands because no one ever could, instead the band members brings their own soul and inspiration into the songs and the result is Solid Faces tribute to classic hard rock.


Members left to right:
Henric Blomqvist, guitar
Roger Snellman, drumsr
Johan Mattjus, lead vocal
Sven Wannäs, Hammond
Anders Thors, bass

Contact & more info:

Solid Faces is a proud member of Perfect Stranger of Finland (www.psof.fi).
Perfect Strangers of Finland (PSOF ry) is the official Finnish Deep Purple appreciation society, approved by Deep Purple and their Management Thames Talent Ltd.

Purple Night 2013 presented on The Highway Star web pages

Info about Purple Night 2013 was presented on the original Deep Purple web pages The Highway Star.

Please visit and support the original source for this article @ http://www.thehighwaystar.com/thsblog/2013/04/15/purple-night-2013/


Purple Night 2013

poster_purple_night_2013_3 Perfect Strangers of Finland is celebrating their 15th anniversary by organizing a traditional Purple Night concert. Who Do We Think We Are will be the theme for this Purple Night, which is being held for the fifth year in a row now.



Solid Faces (Pietarsaari): the band that toured with Doogie White in 2009. They will perform a set of Purple covers.

Angry Machines (Oulu): will perform a set of Dio, commemorating 30th anniversary of Holy Diver.

White Shade of Purple (Kouvola): will play mostly music of Whitesnake.

Guest singers for the night will be Jari Tiura (e.g. Former Michael Schenker Group, Stargazery) and Peter James Goodman (e.g. Conquest, Purple Society).


When: Saturday, May 18, 2013, from 9pm — 4am.

Where: Virgin Oil, Kaivopiha, Mannerheimintie 5, Helsinki, Finland.

Tickets: €12/€14 at www.tiketti.fi.


Thanks to Jari Kaikkonen for the info.

Keywords: Fan meetings, Finland, Helsinki


Above published article is only made for backup purpose. Please remember  to support the original source.

Solid Faces CD album sales temporary stopped. April, 2013

Update 2013-04-06:

The batch of CD albums received were defect at the end of last song (5:52). Sales are temporary stopped until we got it straightened out and received a new print of CD’s.

So please be patient and stay tuned until then!!

We are very sorry for this inconvenience and everyone who bought the disc can return or replace the CD for free when the new shipment arrives.

This is the price we had to pay for being too impatiens and trying to force the process faster than necessary.

Right now it’s not fun at all but maybe after a month or so we can laugh about this…

“Hey! SF sells Classic Hard Rock CD albums with authentic 70’s LP emulation, damage on the last song so it makes the classic repetitions that scratchy vinyl records can have”.

Update info:

All CD’s now returned to CD plant and we will receive a new shipment with CD’s ASAP.

There was a couple of faulty CD’s that we were unable to trace, they can still be exchanged until August 2013.

Hmmm… or… first print and faulty… maybe it is a collector’s item… 😉


Initial release 2013-04-05:

Solid Faces releases 2013-04-05 their first CD album entitled “A Tribute to Classic Rock”.


Solid Faces live @ Purple Night 2013

Solid Faces performs live @ PURPLE NIGHT 2013 – Who do We think We are (Showtime starts 22:00)

Virgin Oil Co., Helsinki
La 18.5.2013 21:00 – 04:00
Ikäraja: K18

Liput: ennakkoon 12 € / ovelta 14 €


Perfect Strangers of Finland, PSOF ry. on perustettu Helsingissä 9.1.1998 ja on Deep Purplen ja heidän managementinsa Thames Talent Ltd:n hyväksymä virallinen Deep Purple-yhdistys Suomessa. Yhdistyksen tarkoituksena on edistää ja kehittää Deep Purple -yhtyeen ja muiden sukupuubändien musiikin harrastusta Suomessa.

Perfect Strangers of Finland PSOF ry juhlii 15-vuotista taivaltaan juhlakonsertin merkeissä ja jatkaa samalla perinteeksi muodostuneiden Purple Night – tapahtumien järjestämistä jo viidettä kertaa.

Juhlakonsertti on samalla kunnianosoitus Ronnie James Dion muistolle. R.I.P. rakas Dio (Ronald James Padavona;10.7.1942 – 16.5.2010). Siitä on myös kulunut 30 vuotta, kun Holy Diver-albumi julkaistiin.

Konsertin teemana on ”Who Do We Think We Are”, Deep Purplen 7.n studio albumin mukaisesti. Tämä albumi julkaistiin 40 vuotta sitten helmikuussa 1973 ja se oli Mark II:n viimeinen albumi, jossa Ian Gillan ja Roger Glover olivat mukana ennen kuin jättivät Deep Purplen. Samana vuonna kesäkuun 29.päivänä oli myös tämän kokoonpanon viimeinen keikka Japanin Osakassa. Tämän jälkeen Deep Purplessa puhalsi uudet tuulet. Iloksemme Deep Purplen Mk II:n kokoonpano yhdistyi taas vuonna 1984, jolloin albumi Perfect Strangers ilmestyi. Albumin nimikappale toimi myös inspiraationlähteenä yhdistyksemme nimeä valittaessa.

Illan aikana kuullaan mm. myös biisejä ”Who do We think We are” – albumista.

Dion muistoa kunnioittaa Angry Machines Oulusta, solistinaan Purple Night 2012-tapahtumasta tuttu Jukka Nummi.

Varsinaisesta Deep Purple-osiosta huolehtii Solid Faces Pietarsaaresta. Osa Solid Facesin muusikoista ovat soittaneet mm. Doogie Whiten kiertuebändissä Suomessa vuonna 2009.

Viimeisenä, muttei vähäisenä esiintyy Kouvolan suunnasta oleva White Shade of Purple W.S.O.P. , jossa solistina Voice of Finlandista tuttu, energiaa pursuvaa Tea Tähtinen. W.S.O.P:n esitys tulee olemaan Whitesnake-painotteinen, ja sen tarkoituksena on johdattaa ajatuksiamme seuraavaan sukupuun-keikkaan, eli Whitesnake 7.6.2013 Espoon Kivenlahdessa.

Kaikki edellä mainitut bändit ovat PSOF-jäsenten bändejä.

Illan vierailevina solisteina ovat Jari Tiura (mm. Former Michael Schenker Group, Stargazery) ja Peter James Goodman (mm. Conquest, Purple Society).

Showtime jo klo 22:00, joten tule mukaan heti alusta juhlimaan kanssamme!

”Who do We think We are – We are The Perfect Strangers of Finland – 15 Perfect Years of PSOF”.

T E R V E T U L O A !

Kotisivut: http://www.psof.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PSOFry

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/137029276474800/

Solid Faces: http://www.solid-faces.com

The Highway Star – The Original Deep Purple Web Pages:http://www.thehighwaystar.com/thsblog/2013/04/15/purple-night-2013/