Solid Faces plays live @ Halloween Monsters of Rock party 2014 . Featuring guest vocalists are Jari Tiura and Jukka Nummi.
Stadshotellet Jakobstad – Kaupunginhotelli Pietarsaari @ Moody
Date: Friday October 31, 2014
Time: 22:00
Tickets: 10€
Guests wearing Halloween party costumes obtains entrance ticket to a discounted price and have the opportunity to win a gift card for best outfit!
Solid Faces with featuring guest vocalists Jari Tiura and Jukka Nummi will perform with an extended long set of Classic Hard Rock songs from Deep Purple, Rainbow, Whitesnake and Dio…
Featuring guest vocalist:
Jari Tiura, ex. Michael Schenker Group vocalist (2006-2007) and now handles the vocals in Stargazery.
Jukka Nummi are the vocalist of Scarlet Thread, Angry Machines and Stargate etc.

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