Solid Faces


Solid Faces 2008-present (Jakobstad/Pietarsaari, Finland)

Solid Faces a Deep Purple, Rainbow, Whitesnake tribute band.

Solid Faces performs with classic Hard Rock covers from the bands Deep Purple, Rainbow, Whitesnake as the main theme.

The band was founded around January 2006 with a different mixture of band members.

From year 2008 Solid Faces consist of five musicians and started to focus on the Deep Purple family tree. A change in lead vocals was done in July 2010.

Year 2013 Solid Faces released their first full length album A Tribute to Classic Rock.

Lineup 2008-2010

Henric Blomqvist, guitar
Marko Kangas, vocals
Roger Snellman, drums
Anders Thors, bass
Sven Wannäs, Hammond & analog synth

Lineup 2010-present
Henric Blomqvist, guitar
Johan Mattjus, vocals
Roger Snellman, drums
Anders Thors, bass
Sven Wannäs, Hammond & analog synth

Solid Faces is also a member of Perfect Strangers of Finland.
Perfect Strangers of Finland (PSOF ry) is the official Finnish Deep Purple appreciation society, approved by Deep Purple and their Management Thames Talent Ltd.


For more detailed info please visit the bands official web site at

Kaos Krew – Under Destruction album review in Guitar Nine

Kaos Krew – Under Destruction album review in Guitar Nine. August, 2005. “New Artist for August-September”

Original source for this article.

Review written in English.


Above published article is only made for backup purpose. Please remember  to support the original source.

Sven Wannäs – Official Music Site